Sonoma State University - Marketing Department
For a short stint, I was the senior graphic designer in the Marketing Department of the School of Extended and International Education (SEIE) at Sonoma State University (SSU). Wow that’s a lot of words when it’s all typed out like that. One of my main roles was to create marketing campaigns for the Summer class programs as well as the Winter break programs. Summer and Winter session were available to all students and helped them graduate early by taking classes over break..
Summer Session 2019
Lead Designer / Copywriter
SEIE’s Summer Session is an incredibly popular program, and we wanted to add breathe some new life into the visuals for 2019. By enticing students with ice cream and summer treats, we created a fun little campaign that paired illustration with punny copy. One particularly effective poster read “Squeeze in some extra classes” and was adorned to the inside of bathroom stalls across campus.
Winter Inter-Session 2020
Lead Designer / Copywriter
Winter Inter-Session is the much shorter program of the two, consisting of just a few weeks during the Winter holiday break. For this campaign, I opted to try catching the attention of students wandering through campus with optical illusions. By using alternating lines, I “hid” visuals within each touchpoint ranging from piggy banks to diplomas. Again pairing each piece with unique copy, the marketing department had another eye-catching campaign out in the world!